By 2025, 85% of the global workforce will be millennial's who seek employment within professional hubs where to create, contribute and positively impact communities through meaningful design.

The future of work must foster a holistic business environment for the lifelong learner where strategic planning and frameworks form the foundation for valuable skill development and growth.

Embassy Capital is a Company in its infancy phase that is building momentum. In order to maintain our projected growth, we seek to recruit 25 employees this financial year.

We welcome interns and juniors who share in our Company value of Honest Work, aspiring to work in our agile and entrepreneurial environment in becoming talented Software Developers and Creators.

We harvest a culture of technical experience coupled with design thinking strategy throughout end-to-end software development life cycles.

All members of our team maintain knowledge and understanding across all projects ensuring work  continuum and flow.  Interns and juniors will have the opportunity to participate in the analysis, design, development, testing and implementation process of both simulated and remuneration projects.

Embassy Capital has a passion for pedagogy. We adapt current and emerging educational practices found within leading education. This is our key to increasing the reach and narrowing the generational thinking gap facing millennial's, which is currently inhibiting Australian business innovation and success in the global marketplace.

Project Based Learning, Surface Deep Transfer, and Double Diamond Strategy form the frameworks for learning at Embassy Capital. We aspire to lead and encourage our team towards middle-managerial roles, as we proudly celebrate the personal and professional highlights of our team every Friday of the week.